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02380 849481
Helen Barber

Helen Barber

Chief Executive/Company Secretary: Responsible for the day to day operations and management of the association

Tina Redfearn

Tina Redfearn

Finance Manager: Deals with payments in and out, prepares accounts for CEO/board, manages payroll, administration of other finance functions, such as concessionary TV licence applications, association telephone contracts, etc.

Karen Thompson

Karen Thompson

Housing Manager: Manages voids, allocations and lettings. Deals with tenancy management issues and assesses standards of service delivery.  Also a trained Scheme Manager (cover only).

Claire Baulf

Claire Baulf

Housing Manager: Manages voids, allocations and lettings. Deals with tenancy management issues and assesses standards of service delivery.  Also a trained Scheme Manager (cover only).

Spencer Gough

Spencer Gough

Maintenance Manager: Carries out day to day repairs, manages contracts and contractors.

Rebecca Moore

Rebecca Moore

Housing Support Officer (Muir House): First point of contact for tenants, deals with day to day issues such as repair reports, support matters and  liaises with office staff and contractors.

Charmaine Johnston

Charmaine Johnston

Housing Support Officer (Priest Croft): First point of contact for tenants, deals with day to day issues such as repair reports, support matters and  liaises with office staff and contractors.

Our Board of Management

Our board of management are responsible for directing the affairs of the association by setting the vision and plans, ensuring compliance with legislation and regulation and having financial oversight.

It is made up of a number of local volunteers with backgrounds in business. local authorities and finance who contribute their combined knowledge to ensure MuirCroft is run according to its aims and objectives.

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