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02380 849481
How to apply to Muircroft

In order to live at MuirCroft you must be an individual or a couple over the age of 60 and have the right to live in the UK.

How to apply to join our waiting list

Direct applications to rent a property with MuirCroft follow this process:

  1. You complete an application form
  2. MuirCroft check your eligibility and contact you by phone with any questions
  3. All being well, we will then organise a meeting in person with either Karen Thompson or Claire Baulf, our Housing Managers, usually at your home, or at MuirCroft if you prefer (you’re welcome to visit us by appointment at any point in the process).

Once those three steps are completed and your eligibility is confirmed you’ll have a formal place on one of our waiting lists. We operate an “active” waiting list for people who wish to take a flat as soon as possible and a “passive” list for people who are interested at some point in the future but aren’t ready just yet.

The best piece of advice we can give you is to apply early and get yourself onto our “passive” list.

Don’t wait until your circumstances have become urgent to start the application process, if we’ve been through the steps above it gives us the best chance of being able to offer you a flat as soon as one becomes available if your circumstances change.


Contact us today and we’ll post you an application pack

Can I call for advice if I’m unsure what to do?

Of course you can, we’re happy to help! If you have any questions please give us a call on 02380 849481

Can I apply on behalf of my relative?

It is possible to apply on behalf of a relative, but for the application to be in someone other than the tenant’s name then you would need to hold a relevant power of attorney.

Are there any other ways to apply?

Yes, we are required to make a share of our available properties open to applications for social housing which come via New Forest District Council. If you are eligible to apply via them then we recommend you do that as well as apply direct with us. It increases your chances of being offered a flat as soon as possible.

You can read more about applying via NFDC’s housing waiting list here.

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